Sunday, February 23, 2020

For Ruthie

30 October 2019

Dearest Ruth Carmela Zamielle,
Before anything else, I would like to thank the Lord God for giving us the most wonderful blessing in the world- YOU. Ruth Carmela Zamielle, you are the best gift God has ever given to me and your mommy. You have been an amazing child not only to us your parents but to your grandparents as well. And for that, we would like to praise and thank God.
Today is a very special day and we are celebrating it because Our Lord Jesus is coming to you as you are going to Him. I am sure you are as excited as we are but guess what! Jesus is even more excited to receive you. He had his eyes on you even before you were born. He loves you and so He gave you the gift of life.
Many years ago, I was also in your shoes, nervous with my first ever encounter with the Lord.  I can no longer remember the exact day I took my first communion but I can still clearly remember what happened during that day. Like you, I was also curious if I was ready to receive God as our Lord and Savior, or if I was even worthy to receive Him. I kept on asking myself if I have been a bad kid, or did I do something to offend Jesus. But I was taught that Jesus always forgives and no matter how we think we have sinned against Him, if we ask for his forgiveness, He will always accept us. So do not worry because you are His child, as all of us are, and He will accept you if you seek Him. He is God and His love for His children including you, is pure and everlasting. So leave all your worries behind and accept Him the way we did many years ago and until today.
You are a child of God and I hope you will always remain close to Him. Always pray to Him the way we- your parents, grandparents and teachers, have taught you. Do not ever forget to call on Him especially when you need someone to talk to. Talk to him when you are sad and whenever you are happy- especially when you are happy. Thank him for everything that you have and praise Him for giving you the gift of life. Bring all your worries to Him. Pray for us, your parents, grandparents and all your friends and loved ones. Pray for your Daddy-Lo for God to heal him and make him strong again.
He will always guide you especially in the most difficult times. He will always be there for you wherever you are and whenever you need Him. We, your parents and loved ones might not always be there for you but the Lord will always be your constant companion if you always talk to Him. Always be grateful for His blessings because He recognizes those who know how to give Him thanks.
Your mommy and I are so proud to what you have become. We know that God has grand plans for you so always trust in His wisdom. Let Him always lead the way for you especially when you feel like you are lost and confused. He will never fail you because He loves you very much. All you need to do is to trust in Him and love Him with all your life the way we have entrusted you to His loving care and protection.
We hope that you will forever remember today, your First Holy Communion, the way you would remember your birthday. If there is a gift that you should value and take care of, it is this gift from God because He gave you this opportunity to be with Him in your life. Always remember that His love is the greatest of all Love.
We love you very much and you are the joy of our lives.  May God bless you today and all days of your life.

                                                                                      Mommy and Daddy